Modeling of the extreme influence of environmental factors on the stability of poikilothermic animals and the basic principles of its increase
The formulated principles of increasing the resistance of poikilothermic animals are justified. They allow the development of action plans for the sustainable management of fish species, including ways to rehabilitate and control the spread of pathogens. The results of the research are the scientific basis for creating stable communities and populations that allow assessing the impact of negative factors in environmental protection activities and increasing productivity in aquaculture.
About the Authors
S. V. PolozBelarus
S. M. Degtyarik
G. V. Slobodnitskaya
I. I. Strelchenya
E. V. Maksimyuk
A. V. Bespaly
T. A. Govor
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For citations:
Poloz S.V., Degtyarik S.M., Slobodnitskaya G.V., Strelchenya I.I., Maksimyuk E.V., Bespaly A.V., Govor T.A. Modeling of the extreme influence of environmental factors on the stability of poikilothermic animals and the basic principles of its increase. Ecology and Animal World. 2022;(1):33-37. (In Russ.)