Relationship of hepatitis E pig infection with liver damage
The article provides the results of a comparative analysis of the relationship of swine hepatitis E virus infection with various liver lesions in animals on industrial pig breeding complexes. A wide territorial spread of infection of pigs with hepatitis E virus has been established, which proceeds in the form of a latent infection without pronounced clinical signs. When comparing the results of serological studies for the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis E virus in pigs and the results of post-murder detection of hepatitis, the incidence of pathology is almost the same, 13.6 % and 14.8 %, respectively. In the case, toxic liver dystrophy, as the leading cause of death, accounts for 7.7−10.2 % of cases.
About the Authors
P. A. KrasochkoBelarus
A. P. Kurdeko
S. V. Zhavoronok
P. P. Krasochko
D. S. Borisovets
T. M. Prokopenkova
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For citations:
Krasochko P.A., Kurdeko A.P., Zhavoronok S.V., Krasochko P.P., Borisovets D.S., Prokopenkova T.M. Relationship of hepatitis E pig infection with liver damage. Ecology and Animal World. 2022;(2):3-11. (In Russ.)