Metabolic discrers in the organism of the young pigs in the conditions of industrial technology
As a result of the conducted studies, the adverse effect of industrial production technology on the metabolism of the fattening young pigs was found. Deviations from the norms for the content of trace elements in the blood (copper, zinc) are more characteristic for the second fattening period than for the first period (100 % and 50 %, respectively, against 40 % and 10 %). The content of inorganic phosphorus, the hormone of the thyroid gland T4, the thyroid-stimulating hormone in all selected swine blood samples did not comply with the norms.
About the Author
A. A. Khochenkov
УО «Мозырский государственный педагогический университет имени И.П. Шамякина»
Russian Federation
For citations:
Khochenkov A.A.
Metabolic discrers in the organism of the young pigs in the conditions of industrial technology. Ecology and Animal World. 2018;(2):40-45.
(In Russ.)
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