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Seasonal dynamics of the number of helmints and their owners - muscle rodents on the territory of the city of Minsk


The analysis of seasonal dynamics of Apodemus (Sylvaemus) flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) population in the undeveloped areas of the city of Minsk was carried out. The main regularities of the dynamics of the number of helminths of Ap. (Sylvaemus) flavicollis in different seasons of the year in urban areas are established. Differences in helminths invasion of Ap. (Sylvaemus) flavicollis in the natural and urbanized areas were revealed.

About the Author

T. V. Shendrik
ГНПО «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по биоресурсам»
Russian Federation


For citations:

Shendrik T.V. Seasonal dynamics of the number of helmints and their owners - muscle rodents on the territory of the city of Minsk. Ecology and Animal World. 2018;(2):45-50. (In Russ.)

Views: 144

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)