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Change of the morphological structure of the cysticercus (C. pisiformis, C. tenuicollis) in the process of ontogenesis


In the ontogenesis of the larval forms of C. pisiformis and C. tenuicollis, structurally morphological changes are clearly distinguished at 3 stages of development: 1) growth - from the moment of introduction, for 6-7 days; 2) organogenesis - from the 8th day in the cysticerci, the parenchyma is actively formed, the protoscolex is laid, the formation of which ends by 20-25 days; 3) maturation - from the 25th to the 35-40th day, maturation occurs, the formation of scolex completely ends.

About the Author

I. N. Dubina
РУП «Институт экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С.Н. Вышелесского»
Russian Federation


For citations:

Dubina I.N. Change of the morphological structure of the cysticercus (C. pisiformis, C. tenuicollis) in the process of ontogenesis. Ecology and Animal World. 2019;(2):33-42. (In Russ.)

Views: 206

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)