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Inter-annual variations in the population density of the yellow-through mouse and the number of its endoparasites in the segments of the undelived territory of the city of Minsk


The analysis of the annual dynamics of the population of Apodemus (Sylvaemus) flavicollis Melchior 1834 in the city of Minsk was carried out. The annual dynamics of the number of helminths Apodemus (Sylvaemus) flavicollis was studied. The features of changes in the number of helminths of various ecological groups in the urban area have been revealed.

About the Author

T. V. Shendrik
НПЦ НАН Беларуси по биоресурсам


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For citations:

Shendrik T.V. Inter-annual variations in the population density of the yellow-through mouse and the number of its endoparasites in the segments of the undelived territory of the city of Minsk. Ecology and Animal World. 2020;(2):25-30. (In Russ.)

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