Sustainability of animals in sustainability of ecosystems (review)
An analysis of the literature review available in the open access has determined the relevance of studying the resistance of animals in natural habitats and zooculture as marker of ecosystem stability. This article provides a variety of methods for determining and the versatility of assessing animal resistance, which requires the development of approaches that can help to solve this problem comprehensively. It is shown that it is necessary to study the processes of formation of animal resistance and to establish the relationship between resistance, sustainability and tolerance and the reasons (conditions, abiotic and biotic factors) that change their characteristics.
About the Authors
S. V. PolozBelarus
I. I. Strelchenya
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For citations:
Poloz S.V., Strelchenya I.I. Sustainability of animals in sustainability of ecosystems (review). Ecology and Animal World. 2021;(1):8-15. (In Russ.)