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Kinology center of border service bodies: achievements and prospects for development


The dog training center is a training unit of the border service authorities, and is intended for the training, retraining and advanced training of dog handlers and the training of service dogs in various types of services, such as the search (search for a person by odor print), watchdog, and special (search for  narcotic drugs and psychotropic sub­stances, weapons, ammunition and explosives), guard (object protection), as well as for breeding and raising dogs of service breeds.

About the Authors

V. V. Zhaldybin
ГУО «Институт пограничной службы Республики Беларусь»

M. G. Kaputsky
ГУО «Институт пограничной службы Республики Беларусь»


1. Жалдыбин, В. В. Кинoлoгичecкoму цeнmpу opгaнoв пoгpaничнoй службы Рecпублики Бeлapуcь - 15 лeт / В. В. Жалдыбин // Встеринарная мeдицинa - Минск, 2010. - № 1. - С. 1-4.

2. Мeльникoвa, Л. Б. Увeличeниe paбoтocпocoбнocmи собак / Л. Б. Мельникова // Агpapнaя Россия. - 2008. - № 10. - С. 11-12.


For citations:

Zhaldybin V.V., Kaputsky M.G. Kinology center of border service bodies: achievements and prospects for development. Ecology and Animal World. 2021;(1):29-33. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)