Dynamics of enzyme activity and some blood elements in sheep parasitosis
The article presents some studies on study of some aspects of pathogenesis in associative parasitosis of gastrointestinal tract of sheep. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that during spontaneous invasion of sheep by associations of parasites of gastrointestinal tract, following changes were established: a significant decrease in number of red blood cells by 1,77 times (P < 0,001), hemoglobin - by 39,86 % (P < 0,001), an increase in alanineaminotransferase and aspartateaminotransferase - by 1,59 times (P < 0,01) and 1,42 times (P < 0,001), alkaline phosphatase - by 1,32 times (P < 0,001).
About the Author
A. N. DudarchukBelarus
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For citations:
Dudarchuk A.N. Dynamics of enzyme activity and some blood elements in sheep parasitosis. Ecology and Animal World. 2021;(1):40-44. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2224-1647-2021-1-40-44