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A study of the development Francaiella colchica in the eggs of Boophylus calcaratus ticks in the natural climatic conditions of Azerbaijan


It has been established that the causative agents Fr. colchica are found in the mites of Boophylus salaratus during the whole period of oviposition. In the first 4-5 days oviposition in eggs of francaella mites is rarely found, and the subsequent (4-11) days the number of parasites gradually increases. During oviposition, parasites have different shapes: cigar-shaped, pear-shaped, amoeboid, oval and rod-shaped. In earlier periods of laying, simple division takes place, and in subsequent days (starting from 5-6 days) budding and multiple division of francais.

About the Author

U. M. Mehralyeva
«Азербайджанский ветеринарный научно-исследовательский институт»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Mehralyeva U.M. A study of the development Francaiella colchica in the eggs of Boophylus calcaratus ticks in the natural climatic conditions of Azerbaijan. Ecology and Animal World. 2018;(1):32-35. (In Russ.)

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