Study of biological properties of epizootic isolates Clostridium perfringens isolated from cattle in livestock farms of the Republic of Belarus
The cultural-morphological and pathogenic properties of epizootic isolates of C. perfringens isolated from different farms of the Republic of Belarus have been studied. Identification of clostridium species was carried out using a biochemical analyzer «Vitek 2», the toxinotype of epizootic isolates of C. perfringens was determined in PCR and using a neutralization reaction. All isolates of C. perfringens were assigned to serotype A and were characterized by weak pathogenic properties, the Dlm for white mice was 8–20. The results obtained indicate the dominant epizootic value of C. perfringens of serotype A in livestock farms of the Republic of Belarus.
About the Authors
O. N. NovikovaBelarus
M. A. Ananchikov
M. M. Mistseika
E. L. Krasnikova
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For citations:
Novikova O.N., Ananchikov M.A., Mistseika M.M., Krasnikova E.L. Study of biological properties of epizootic isolates Clostridium perfringens isolated from cattle in livestock farms of the Republic of Belarus. Ecology and Animal World. 2023;(1):59-62. (In Russ.)