Micromorphology of the stomach and intestines of the gray goose (Anser anser)
The paper presents the results of a morphological study of the organs of the digestive canal of one of the representatives of the game birds of the Republic of Belarus – the gray goose (Anser anser).
It has been established that the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach is quite thick-walled, with a high density of complexly branched gastric glands per conventional unit of area, opening into numerous excretory ducts. The muscular plate of the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach is fragmented and some of its myocytes penetrate between the glands, which contributes to a more efficient removal of their secret. There is also a submucosal layer, which, in our opinion, is associated with the amount and composition of secreted gastric juice. This can explain the presence of a thick-walled muscular membrane in this part of the stomach. At the same time, the cuticle of the muscular part of the stomach is relatively thin, with a striated surface. In the mucous membrane of the small intestine, the presence of crypts, high intestinal villi and their dense arrangement relative to each other was established over the entire surface. This feature characterizes the increased suction capacity of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and is considered as compensation for its anatomical size.
About the Authors
D. O. ZhurovBelarus
S. V. Nikolaev
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For citations:
Zhurov D.O., Nikolaev S.V. Micromorphology of the stomach and intestines of the gray goose (Anser anser). Ecology and Animal World. 2023;(1):12-16. (In Russ.)