Construction of a test-system for detection of A, B, D Pasteurella multocida serovariants in a polymerase chain reaction
About the Authors
A. S. AndrusevichRussian Federation
E. L. Krasnikova
Russian Federation
O. V. Malchik
Russian Federation
I. I. Strelchenya
Russian Federation
A. P. Lemish
Russian Federation
For citations:
Andrusevich A.S., Krasnikova E.L., Malchik O.V., Strelchenya I.I., Lemish A.P. Construction of a test-system for detection of A, B, D Pasteurella multocida serovariants in a polymerase chain reaction. Ecology and Animal World. 2019;(1):43-48. (In Russ.)