Abiotic factors in-fluences the formation of resistance poikilothermic animals
Dependences and regularities of the influence of abiotic factors on the formation of resistance of poikilothermic animals on the model species Cyprinus carpio have been resistanced. A sharp decrease in the temperature of the aquatic environment leads to an increase in the level of cortisol in the blood serum of fish. A decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the aquatic environment leads to an increase in cortisol levels. With an increase in the time spent in an anhydrous medium in the serum of Cyprinus carpio, the level of protein decreases, and the level of cortisol increases.
About the Authors
S. V. PolazBelarus
S. M. Degtyarik
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For citations:
Polaz S.V., Degtyarik S.M. Abiotic factors in-fluences the formation of resistance poikilothermic animals. Ecology and Animal World. 2021;(2):7-12. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/2224-1647-2021-2-7-12