New molluscocides for the prevention of fascioloz, shistosomosis (orientobilgarciosis) and paramphistomatidoses
The article presents the results of the search and development of methods for the use of new molluscicides available to practical veterinary specialists and livestock breeders. It was found that mineral fertilizers widely used in agriculture – ammonium sulfate and potassium chloride have a sulfficiently high (95–100 %) molluscicidal effect against freshwater mollusks Lymnaeа and Planorbis, intermediate hosts of pathogens of fascioliasis, schistosomiasis, (orientobilharziasis) and paramphistomiasis in cjncentrations of 0,1–0,2 %. A significantly highmolluscicidal effect was established from the use of (potassium permanganate) and hydrogen peroxide, which shower 100 % efficacy at concentrations of 1:400000 and 1:40000. Table salt and tea soda have a certain molluscicidal property, in concentrations of 1:200–1:250 in relation to the volume of water in the reservoir.
About the Authors
A. O. OripovUzbekistan
N. E. Yuldashov
S. A. Dzhabbarov
Yu. M. Tuguzov
I. A. Ulashov
M. P. Kuchinsky
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5. Средство для уничтожения пресноводных моллюсков семейств Lymnaeidae и Planorbidae: пат. UZ № IAP05449 / А. О. Орипов, Н. Э. Юлдашев, И. А. Улашов // Бюллетень (Расмий ахборотнома). – № 9, 29.09.2017. – Агентство интел. собствен. – Ташкент, 2017.
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For citations:
Oripov A.O., Yuldashov N.E., Dzhabbarov S.A., Tuguzov Yu.M., Ulashov I.A., Kuchinsky M.P. New molluscocides for the prevention of fascioloz, shistosomosis (orientobilgarciosis) and paramphistomatidoses. Ecology and Animal World. 2021;(2):53-58. (In Russ.)