
Ecology and Animal World

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No 1 (2023)
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3-6 498

Technological innovations in modern conditions will lead to a revolutionary breakthrough in all spheres of human society. Veterinary activities in these conditions are also no exception, especially in terms of animal diseases and the safety of livestock products. Effective implementation of veterinary activities is possible with the availability of modern technologies and the availability of information infrastructure. Such an approach can only be implemented within the framework of an appropriate state program, the implementation of which will allow transforming veterinary activity and directing it to an innovative development path based on the digitization.

The digitalization of veterinary activities will increase its efficiency, reduce the costs of its implementation and, in general, ensure a higher degree of veterinary well-being in the country.

7-11 228

The article presents data on the species composition and ecological and biological characteristics of ixodid ticks in the conditions of the northeastern region of the Republic of Belarus. Species identification of the preimaginal and imaginal stages of development of ixodid ticks, the place of each species in the ixodofauna, as well as the dynamics of parasitism and seasonal activity of the most common ixodid species, their ecological and biological features in the conditions of the northeastern region of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the distribution and periods of maximum activity are given. ixodid within the various landscape-geographical zones of the region. The territory of the north-eastern region of the Republic of Belarus is represented by two species of ticks belonging to the Ixodidae family: Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus.

12-16 139

The paper presents the results of a morphological study of the organs of the digestive canal of one of the representatives of the game birds of the Republic of Belarus – the gray goose (Anser anser).

It has been established that the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach is quite thick-walled, with a high density of complexly branched gastric glands per conventional unit of area, opening into numerous excretory ducts. The muscular plate of the mucous membrane of the glandular stomach is fragmented and some of its myocytes penetrate between the glands, which contributes to a more efficient removal of their secret. There is also a submucosal layer, which, in our opinion, is associated with the amount and composition of secreted gastric juice. This can explain the presence of a thick-walled muscular membrane in this part of the stomach. At the same time, the cuticle of the muscular part of the stomach is relatively thin, with a striated surface. In the mucous membrane of the small intestine, the presence of crypts, high intestinal villi and their dense arrangement relative to each other was established over the entire surface. This feature characterizes the increased suction capacity of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and is considered as compensation for its anatomical size.

17-25 185

The materials reflecting the long-term dynamics of the incidence of leptospirosis in people in the south-eastern region of the Belarusian Polesie are presented. In total, over a 32-year observation period, 255 cases of leptospirosis were registered in the Gomel region, which is 31,3 % leptospirosis of diseases in the country. In 79,5 % of the studied cases, the cause of the disease was wild and synanthropic rodents. In the blood sera of small mammals and farm animals, the presence of antibodies to leptospira of the same serogroups, as in sick people was noted.

26-32 121

The article presents data on the fauna of parasites of an invasive fish species – Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814) in the Berezina River (right tributary of the Dnieper), Republic of Belarus. A total of 7 taxa of parasites were found – Monogenea (Gyrodactylus sp.); Trematoda (Holostephanus cobitidis met., Diplostomum spр. met., Tylodelphys clavata met., Nicola skrjabini); Acanthocephala (Neoechinorhynchus rutii); Bivalvia (Unionidae gen. sp. (glochidium). Prevalence by parasites of N. fluviatilis is 42 %. The maximal invasion of N. fluviatilis (36 %) was noted by Unionidae gen. sp. (glochidium).

33-38 310

The karyotypic structure of populations of the polymorphic malaria mosquito Anopheles messeae s. l. was studied. The level of chromosomal polymorphism in Anopheles messeae s. l. was identified. Differences in the frequencies of inversions between the populations of the center and south of Belarus were established. In the populations of the central zone, compared with the southern zone, an increased frequency of inversion variants XL11 and 3R01 was revealed. Heterozygotes 2R01 were found only in the populations of Minsk. A new unique inversion was found in a heterozygous for the short arm of the third pair of chromosomes – 3L07 (33b–36b). A total of 9 variants of karyotypes have been registered on the territory of Belarus. The highest chromosomal variability was found in populations from the habitats of the Minsk region.

39-43 134

The conducted studies confirmed that udder teat contrast mammography is a screening tool for determining the morphological features of the structural and spatial organization of the capacitive system of the udder teats of highly productive cows and can be considered a precise source of information about the state of the udder and teat canal.

44-51 176

A study was made of the effect of various nature drug for the sturgeon fish trichodins and on the physiological status of the fish organism. These are heledum, ectocide, iodinol and hellebore tincture, as well as drugs recommended in veterinary medicine for the prevention and treatment of fish trichodinosis: violet «K», ammonia and samples of phyto-raw materials known for their antiprotozoal action - common oak bark, five-lobed motherwort herb, marsh wild rosemary herb, calamus rhizomes. Two samples of phyto-raw materials, the most effective for control sturgeon fish trichodiniasis, were selected – herb of five-lobed motherwort (Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilb.) and marsh wild rosemary herb (Ledum palustre L.). On their basis, a sample of a drug phytocomposition was created, which includes motherwort herb and wild rosemary herb in a ratio of 1:1. It is recommended for antiparasitic treatment of sturgeons with trichodiniasis in the form of therapeutic baths for treatment in concrete and earthen cages, pools, other large containers and for short-term treatment of fish in baths, aquariums and other small containers.

52-58 212

A passage of M. smegmatis ATCC mc(2)155 from Middlebrook medium to an egg culture medium with malachite green caused spontaneous transformation of the strain into a non-acid-fast cell wall deficient cells that did not differ in morphology from the cells of experimentally obtained non-acid-fast forms of M. tuberculosis H37Rv, M. bovis 8 and had a significant antigen propinquity.

59-62 165

The cultural-morphological and pathogenic properties of epizootic isolates of C. perfringens isolated from different farms of the Republic of Belarus have been studied. Identification of clostridium species was carried out using a biochemical analyzer «Vitek 2», the toxinotype of epizootic isolates of C. perfringens was determined in PCR and using a neutralization reaction. All isolates of C. perfringens were assigned to serotype A and were characterized by weak pathogenic properties, the Dlm for white mice was 8–20. The results obtained indicate the dominant epizootic value of C. perfringens of serotype A in livestock farms of the Republic of Belarus.

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)