No 1 (2018)
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3-6 257
The purpose of this report is to present information on problem infection of sheep by associative parasitosis in Republic of Belarus and another country. It has been investigated effects on productivity depending on conditions of associative parasitosis in sheep. Investigations question on efficacy therapy and preventive treatment against parasitosis in sheep.
7-12 206
Method has been developed and simulation of volume and quality of manure drains was carried out, depending on the manure removal system used at pig breeding complex. System simulation of operational situation of three pigs breeding complexes in Smolevichy region allowed to determine that under force-majeure circumstances the amount of manure drains that have to be disposed may exceed the areas allocated for their application.
13-20 142
Use of straw as bedding, obtained at production of grain, which is used as feed for pigs, allows to transfer a pig -breeding enterprise of industrial type to production of organic pork. The high-quality organic fertilizers obtained in this case allow to go after organic farming.
21-26 185
The main attention is paid to the anatomical, histological and histochemical criteria of radiation damage to the surface otter. Changes in adrenal glands of an otter river should be considered at adoption of ecological decisions.
27-31 170
Опlу careful laboratory research of an isolated subtype using a number of techniques can differentiate them properly. In the Republic of Belarus, it is commonly used the protocol of AI diagnosis which includes RT-PCR techniques, inhibition of hemagglutination reaction, infection of 4-8-weeks chickens for determination of virus's pathogenicity or RT-PCR techniques specific for HA0 cleavage site (the feature of HPAIVs). All actions in the case of AI outbreak are regulated by the government. Careful monitoring and scientific research are conducted by veterinarians to restrict AI from entering the Republic of Belarus.
32-35 179
It has been established that the causative agents Fr. colchica are found in the mites of Boophylus salaratus during the whole period of oviposition. In the first 4-5 days oviposition in eggs of francaella mites is rarely found, and the subsequent (4-11) days the number of parasites gradually increases. During oviposition, parasites have different shapes: cigar-shaped, pear-shaped, amoeboid, oval and rod-shaped. In earlier periods of laying, simple division takes place, and in subsequent days (starting from 5-6 days) budding and multiple division of francais.
36-40 205
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is the causative agent of colibacillosis in animals and humans. The article describes the main factors of pathogenicity of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli fimbrial adhesins and enterotoxins.
41-45 213
The article presents the results of studying the enterotoxigenic of strains of Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from the products of slaughter of animals and milk. In experiments on guinea pigs (infection in anisolated intestinal loop), it was determined that 8 of 14 strains of the yersiniosis pathogen (57 %) had pronounced enterotoxigenic properties, caused accumulation of fluid in isolated segments of the small intestine (dilatation index 1 and above) and morphological, macro- and microstructural changes in the organs and tissues of experimental animals. Enterotoxigenic strains of Yersinia enterocolitica belonged to different serovars (0:3, 0:9, 0:6.30).
46-50 192
The article presents the data of quality indicators of cow milk, data on the therapeutic efficacy of the drug «Mastin» Describes the experience in determining the optimal scheme of the drug. It is established that the optimum scheme of use of the drug is intracisternally introduction for 4 consecutive days at a dose of 5 cm3 with 12 hours interval. After the introduction of a multi-component anti-mastitis drug in the experimental group of cows, there was a tendency to reduce somatic cells in milk. Other physical and chemical properties of milk-appearance, taste and smell, density, acidity, quantitative protein content, milk fat - have not changed.
51-55 214
In article it to be told about disinfectants on the basis of peroxide of hydrogen, developed at institute and also about advantage of their use in the conditions of livestock rooms, because they have high efficiency, a wide range of action, low toxicity, ecological safety, are easy to use and have a slight aggressive effect on processed objects.
56-60 184
The aim of the research was to study the growth dynamics of the Trichophyton fungus under deep cultivation in barley must at different physical parameters. In the course of the studies, the effect of environmental exposure and temperature on the growth of mycelium biomass and the formation of microconidia in the trichophyton fungus grown in a medium of barley must containing 3% sugars and optimized for mineral composition was studied. According to the results of the research, it was established that the most optimal mode of growing cultures Tr. verrucosum № 130 and Tr. mentagrophytes № 135 on optimized barley must is a temperature of 28°C and an exposure time of 72-84 hours, because the increase in biomass of mycelium is 0,78-0,84% and the formation of microconidia is 26,0-33,8 mln/cm3.
ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)