
Ecology and Animal World

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No 1 (2021)
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3-8 189

In the course of the studies carried out, it was found that a scientifically grounded complex of practical measures makes it possible to control the spread ofparasites of various ecological groups in the implementation of the management of the epizootic process. The inclusion of the developed methods of animal health improvement in it con­tributes to an increase in the stability of populations of resource and rare species of fauna, the preservation of biologi­cal diversity, and a decrease in the economic damage caused by associations of parasites in the natural habitat and in zooculture.

8-15 224

An analysis of the literature review available in the open access has determined the relevance of studying the resistance of animals in natural habitats and zooculture as marker of ecosystem stability. This article provides a variety of  methods for determining and the versatility of assessing animal resistance,  which requires the development of  ap­proaches that can help to solve this problem comprehensively.  It is shown that it is necessary  to study the processes of formation of animal resistance and to establish  the relationship between resistance, sustainability and tolerance and the reasons (conditions, abiotic and biotic factors) that change their characteristics.

16-22 238

The spatial distribution of E. lacustris in the lake depends on the temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen. Most of the individuals inhabit water layers 12-19 meters - the zone below thermocline. The water temperature in these horizons remains constantly low (4,5-6,7°С). Average content of dissolved oxygen in hypolimnion varies with 3,0-7,1 mg/l. When the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the hypolimnion layers increases, crustacean population concentrates more deeply. The population density of E. lacustris in lake Vechelye in different years of research consisted 584-2877 individuals per m3. Although the temperature, transparency and concentration of oxygen in the water of lake Vechelye stay favorable for the species and characteristic of mesotrophic lakes, E. lacustris tends to reduce the number of its population.

23-28 334

The helminthic diseases of birds are widespread and cause great economic damage. Deworming of birds is one of the effective measures to combat them. For these purposes, mainly chemical synthesis preparations are used. It is established that some plants have antiparasitic properties, among them - Tanacetum vulgare L., widely spread in natural agrophytocoenoses of the Republic of Belarus. Antihelminthic properties of this plant have been studied during heterakidosis and capillaryosis disease of turkeys. Experience in studying parasitocidal activity of powder from the inflorescences of Tanacetum vulgare L. was conducted on turkeys spontaneously invaded by capillaries and heterakids. It was found out that this preparation is an effective antihelminthic remedy providing complete release of turkeys from nematodes.

29-33 232

The dog training center is a training unit of the border service authorities, and is intended for the training, retraining and advanced training of dog handlers and the training of service dogs in various types of services, such as the search (search for a person by odor print), watchdog, and special (search for  narcotic drugs and psychotropic sub­stances, weapons, ammunition and explosives), guard (object protection), as well as for breeding and raising dogs of service breeds.

34-39 234

The article provides information on the detection o f infectious pathology offish in reservoirs and watercourses of Belarus. The infectious pathology offish occurs regularly in the wild and fish pounds and in important in maintaining the health of fish.

40-44 160

The article presents some studies on study of some aspects of pathogenesis in associative parasitosis of gas­trointestinal tract of sheep. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that during spontaneous invasion of sheep by associations of parasites of gastrointestinal tract, following changes were established: a significant decrease in number of red blood cells by 1,77 times (P < 0,001), hemoglobin - by 39,86 % (P < 0,001), an increase in alanineaminotransferase and aspartateaminotransferase - by 1,59 times (P < 0,01) and 1,42 times (P < 0,001), alkaline phosphatase - by 1,32 times (P < 0,001).

45-49 214

The article deals with the practice of using different groups of disinfectants to optimize veterinary and sani­tary measures in conditions of intensive animal husbandry.

50-57 209

The medicinal and prophylactic properties ofpowder from inflorescences of common tansy for cryptosporidiosis of lambs were studied. Recommended for use in lambs as an anti-cryptosporidiosis agent.

58-62 262

The article provides data on the biochemical properties of museum strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoni­ae. The belonging of the strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was confirmed in the polymerase chain reaction using the developed RUE «Institute of experimental veterinary medicine nam. of S. N. Wyshelessky» test system for de­tecting the genome of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae.

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)