
Ecology and Animal World

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No 2 (2023)
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3-7 113

In modern conditions, a number of factors create serious risks of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases among people, animals and during the production of animal products. In this situation, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent them, primarily through improving national legislation and the formation of relevant services. In our country, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 22, 2022 № 161 approved the document «On the Concept of the National Biosafety System» and created the Biological Safety Council. 

8-14 119

The article provides data on the species composition of the family Culicidae on the territory of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. The mosquito fauna includes 26 species, belonging to 5 genera, including 22 species at the larval stage, and 23 at the adult stage. 6 species have been reported for the first time for this territory: Anopheles messeae, Aedes sticticus, A. mercurator, A. pullatus, Culex territans, Culiseta morsitans. An arealological analysis of the mosquito fauna was carried out. It showed, that the complex of holarctic species (15) dominates on the territory of the reserve. The changes in the structure of the mosquito faunistic complexes have been established through time, including in an increase in species diversity by 2 times (H' − 1.6 and 3.1, respectively). 

15-20 183

The article presents data on an infection of mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) with West Nile virus and microfilaria on the territory of the Berezinsky biosphere reserve. For the first time for that territory WNV RNA was detected in 0,20 % of the total number of studied mosquitoes (Aedes punctor, A. sticticus, A. intrudens, A. сommunis). Dirofilaria DNA was isolated in 0,23 % of the specimens examined (A. cinereus, A. punctor, A. cantans, A. sticticus, A. intrudens). Mixed infection of WNV and dirofilaria was noted in 0,10 % of cases in Aedes intrudens, A. punctor, and A. sticticus. The dependence of the possible number of development cycles of microfilariae in mosquitoes to the invasive stage on the temperature factor has been established. А 1 °C increase in temperature results in a 0,21 increase in the number of circulations.

The research has established that August is the most important month to the microfilaria transmission. This month optimal temperatures for development of microfilaria coincide with the high number of potential vectors. 

21-24 121

The paper presents the results of studying the histological structure of the kidneys of wild gray geese (Anser anser). In the kidneys of the presented species of birds, a relatively thin connective tissue capsule is installed, an average density of renal corpuscles in the cortex – 15-20 copies per conventional unit of tissue area, a change in the structure of the cells forming the distal convoluted and distal straight tubules from prismatic and cubic to polymorphic, the presence in cells of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules show signs of protein and fat metabolism disorders. The identified structural features in the structure of the kidneys, in our opinion, directly correlate with the type of trophic relationships, individual characteristics of the organism, habitat conditions, lifestyle and ethology of the bird. 

25-30 79

The article presents the results of a study of the helminth fauna of alien fish species of the Gobiidae family. Fish for research was caught in the Pripyat, Dnieper and Neman rivers in Belarus in 2021–2022. Thirteen species of helminths belonging to five taxonomic groups – Nematoda, Trematoda, Monogenea, Cestoda and Acanthocephala – have been registered. The maximum infection with all helminths was noted in the species B. gymnotrachelus, which amounted to 23,7 %. Gobies of the species P. semilunaris were infected by 13,2 %. The minimum infestation was noted for the species N. fluviatilis, which was at the level of 4,3 %. 

31-35 85

The article presents the results of establishing parasitocoenotic complexes of carp (Cyprinus carpio) and silver crucian carp (Carassius gibelio) in fishery reservoirs of Belarus. The species composition of carp parasitocenosis has been established, which includes the helminths Khawia sinensis, metacercariae of trematodes Diplostomum sp. and bacteria of the species Aeromonas hydrophila, Serattia liguefaciens and Serattia odorifera, as well as the species composition of the silver crucian parasitocenosis, which includes Diplostomum sp., Vibrio vulnificus, Gardnerella vaginalis, Aeromonas hydrophila and Argulus sp. The sensitivity of microorganisms – bacteria of the opportunistic group to antibacterial drugs approved for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is shown. The effectiveness of applying the principles of increasing the stability of fish and their populations is shown – reducing the antigenic load and activating nonspecific immunity using the example of a fishery pond. 

36-40 115

It was found that the studied samples of yeast-based feed additives «Productiv» and «MDK» were harmless for 24 hours for the protozoan ciliate Tetrahymena piriformis. In an experiment on white mice, where a working water sample of the feed additive «Productiv» was fed, the increase in live weight of one head averaged 7,45 g or 100,7 %, «MDK» – 7,5 g or 101,4 %, in control group – 7,4 g or 100,0, respectively. The use of the «Productiv» feed additive in the diets of young cattle helps to increase the consumption of dry matter in the diet by 3,8 % and metabolic energy by 3,6 %, and the «MDK» additive by 1,9 % and 1,8 % respectively; contributes to an increase in average daily growth by 20,6 %, the feed additive «MDK» – by 17,0 %. 

41-45 75

The effect of a complex feed iodine-selenium-containing additive on the body of laying hens was studied under the conditions of the Gorodok Poultry Farm RUSPP. As a result of the experience, it was established that its use helps to increase the level of livestock safety and egg production, and, consequently, to obtain a larger volume of high-quality products with rational use of feed. 

46-51 92

The article presents data on parasitological control of sea fish entering the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. 

52-56 158

Livestock farms and complexes in conditions of constant growth of output increase the importance of the problem of manure processing. Natural recycling processes are accompanied by significant pollution of air, soil and water volumes. Storage of manure requires the use of large areas that require special training.

The article discusses modern technologies for the disposal of manure, which significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment, as well as obtain a direct and indirect economic effect. 

57-65 96

Based on the analysis of literature data, the article shows current topical problems of contamination with micromycetes and their secondary metabolites of animal feed and feed materials, and also reports on the negative effects of mycotoxins on living organisms. It is noted that the determination of only 6 secondary metabolites of fungi does not allow an objective assessment of the level of contamination of feed and raw materials for their production, and the use of adsorbents in agricultural enterprises alone, without carrying out a set of measures, is not enough for effective prevention of mycotoxicosis. 

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)