
Ecology and Animal World

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No 2 (2019)
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3-8 151
During the researches it was determined that season of the year definitely influenced the metabolism of pregnant sows and their productivity. The organism is influences not indirectly but via forages. Decrease of feedstuff quality in the storage process (increase of oxidation products concentration and fat hydrolysis, storage of secondary metabolites of molds) decreased productivity of sows (multiple pregnancy, average weight of 1 piglet at birth, litter outcome per 1 farrow), and increased pathology of protein and mineral metabolism.
9-12 173
Studies have been conducted to study the effect of the drug «Endometraphage» on metabolic processes in postpartum endometritis in cows. Analysis of the results of studies reflecting the state of biochemical metabolism did not reveal significant differences in the animals of the experimental group after the use of the drug and the control group of cows.
13-17 192
According to literature data, the following pathogens of the Chlamydiaceae family pose the greatest danger in animal husbandry: Ch. psittaci, Ch. pecorum, Ch. abortus. The article presents data on the etiological structure of the incidence of cattle. The data on the detection of chlamydia in ELISA and PCR in different age groups of animals.
18-25 154
He screening of the nucleotide sequences of Salmonella of various species circulating in pigs, fur animals, birds and cattle were screened and specific primers for Salmonella dublin were selected. A domestic PCR test system was designed to detect the Salmonella dublin genome. The biochemical properties of the museum strain of Salmonella dublin were studied.
26-32 222
The article presents data on parasitic diseases of cats. It has been described that more than 50 % of cats are infected with helminths, and in kittens the level of invasion can reach 75 % or more. Zoonoses, such as toxoplasmosis, opisthorchiasis, toxocariasis, their diagnostics, prevention and treatment are described.
33-42 190
In the ontogenesis of the larval forms of C. pisiformis and C. tenuicollis, structurally morphological changes are clearly distinguished at 3 stages of development: 1) growth - from the moment of introduction, for 6-7 days; 2) organogenesis - from the 8th day in the cysticerci, the parenchyma is actively formed, the protoscolex is laid, the formation of which ends by 20-25 days; 3) maturation - from the 25th to the 35-40th day, maturation occurs, the formation of scolex completely ends.
43-51 193
The paper presents the results of genotyping of Lactobacillus apis isolated from honeybee. It was found that Rep- and RAPD-PCR have sufficient delimiting ability for typing the studied isolates. The best discriminating ability is shown when using primers XD8, XD9 (RAPD-PCR) and BOXA1R, BOXA2R, ERICIR-1, ERIC2-1 (Rep-PCR).
52-58 175
The article gives a brief description of the disinfectant «Cryox» and describes the methods and scheme for processing the surfaces and air of rooms for keeping animals and beekeeping.
59-67 192
The object of the study was bacterial strains of the genus Bacillus spp., isolated from the bottom sediments of freshwater ponds. The purpose of the study was to obtain producer strains of biologically active compounds of microorganisms of the genus Bacillus isolated from the bottom sediments of freshwater ponds, to study their biological properties. In the process of work, the selection and analysis of the composition of samples of bottom sediments of freshwater ponds of various regions of the Republic of Belarus and the isolation of microbial strains of the genus Bacillus from them were carried out. The morphological-cultural and physiological features were studied, the chemical composition of the metabolic products of the isolated strains (protein content, amount of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, etc.) was established.
68-72 196
The article presents data on determining the type of pathogenic microorganisms and the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs. The data on the most frequently recorded pathogenic microorganisms isolated from of mastitis-affected cows are presented. Established, the most effective drugs for mastitis. Microorganisms isolated from cows with mastitis are most sensitive to ampicillin, norfloxacin, streptomycin and are insensitive to neomycin, amoxicillin and cefotaxime.
73-77 146
The article deals with the problem of toxicity of nanoparticles when they enter a living organism due to their acquisition of new properties during the transition to the nanoscale state. A method for producing zinc nanoparticles is described. The data on the results of the study of acute toxicity of zinc nanoparticles in the immunomodulating drug «Immunonanozinc» are presented.
78-82 159
The article describes some of the macromorphological features of the intestine regarding its length, shape and topography in the American mink, depending on its genotype.

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ISSN 2224-1647 (Print)